Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Cupcakes

So I decided to make some fancy cupcakes for Easter. After going through tons of recipes online, I decided to go with chocolate raspberry cupcakes! I cheated and bought some Devil's Food cake mix from a box as well as some pre-made Fluffy White frosting so they're not from scratch, but they are super delicious!

What you'll need:
-Devil's Food cake mix
-Fluffy White Frosting
-Seedless Raspberry Jam
-Frozen Raspberries
-Two Ziploc bags (for jam filling and frosting)
-Wooden Spoon

Basically, what you'll do is follow the directions on the cake mix and wait for them to cool. When they are cooled, take the end of a wooden spoon and insert into the center of the cupcake. You can push the spoon in deep but make sure not to push it all the way down to the bottom of the cupcake (or else the jam may fall out the bottom).
making the hole

my donut looking cupcakes

When you have all of the holes in the cupcakes, fill a ziploc bag with seedless raspberry jam and cut a hole in the corner. You can put the tip of the bag in the hole and push the jam out until it starts to overfill. Here's what they look like when that's happening and when they're done!
When this is done, you're going to defrost the raspberries (you can also use fresh) and put them in the blender until they are fully ground. You can mix this into the frosting bit my bit until you get your desired flavor and color of frosting. I put the mix in the blender to make a smoother and less funky looking frosting. Note: the frosting will be more liquified than regular frosting, so it may drip off the cupcake when you frost them. You can put the frosting mixture in the ziploc bag, cut a hole and push the frosting through. And voila! Refrigerate and eat within an hour! These are so good--but you have to love raspberry to enjoy these cupcakes. Hope you like them, my family and I sure do!


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